America s birthday: where our unofficial national motto is “You’re Not The Boss Of Me”. May she survive the combined efforts of politicians from both sides of the aisle to tear up that inconvenient Constitution.
(July 4th fact: The United States is the world’s oldest functioning constitutional republic.)
I’m heading into Boston today to pick up a high school friend from Germany who’s going to stay with us for a few days. You folks go and celebrate the Fourth of July in whatever way seems best to you. Gather some friends, have some beer, launch some fireworks, fire some guns…and take some time to appreciate the fact that you get to live in the place that Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine built. America is the Great Social Experiment–the first country in the history of the world built on the notion that all men are created equal, that the government is not the master of the citizen, and that there are inalienable rights that the state may not touch.
So raise your glass in the direction of Washington, D.C. today, and join me in reciting the ancient oath and sentiment that got our country started: